This guidance assumes that you have admin privileges for your Workday account.

Create Assessment Category in Workday


Create an assessment category

Navigate to the Maintain Recruiting Assessment Categories page and add a new assessment category called Technical Assessment Test.

Maintain Assessment Categories

Please click on the OK button to save and the Done button to confirm.

Assessment Category

Create Assessment Test in Workday


Create an Assessment Test

Navigate to the Maintain Recruiting Assessment Tests page and add an assessment test called Technical Assessment.

Maintain Assessment Tests

Enter the test name, select the assessment category created in the previous step, and choose the integration system generated from StackOne, named StackOne_IS_System.

Assessment Tests

Please click on the OK button to save and the Done button to confirm.


To edit or retrieve the Assessment Test ID

Click on the three-dot menu, go to View IDs to see and click on Edit Reference ID to make changes to the Reference ID.

Edit/View Assessment Test ID

Use of Assessment Test ID

You’ll need the Assessment_Test_ID which is RECRUITING_ASSESSMENT_TEST-6-111 here for notification payload configurations.

Assessment Test ID

Create Assessment Status in Workday


Create an Assessment Status

Navigate to the Maintain Assessment Statuses page and add a new assessment status (you can name it as Invited same as status name, or any name of your choice).

Maintain Assessment Status

Enter the status name, check the overall status and test status. Click on OK and Done buttons to save and confirm, respectively.


To edit or retrieve the Assessment Status ID

Click on the three-dot menu, go to View IDs to see and click on Edit Reference ID to modify the Reference ID.

Edit/View Assessment Status ID

Use of Assessment Status ID

The Assessment Status ID is used to send the assessment invite notification, so please ensure it is set to Invited regardless of the status name provided.

Assessment Status ID

Job requisitions within the supervisory organization in Workday

These steps assume you already have a Supervisory Organization in your Workday account. If not, please contact your admin to create one.


Listed Job Requisitions

Navigate to yourSupervisory Organization page. Go to the Staffing tab below.

SO for JR

You can find the list of Job Requisitions that the Assessment stage supports for sending notifications within the Integration System under Positions with Open Job Requisition grid.


No Listed Job Requisitions

If you haven’t listed jobs under Positions with Open Job Requisition, find Create Position under Staffing in the 3-dot menu.

Create Job Position

Fill in the required details to create a position that will be visible in the Positions without Job Requisition grid.

Created Job Position

Navigate to the Create Job Requisition and select your supervisory organization and position. After clicking the OK button, please fill out the Job Requisition form and Submit it.

Add in Position in Job Req

The position will now be visible in the In Progress Requisition Actions grid.

Added in Position in Job Req

Once the job requisition is approved, it will be visible in the Positions with Open Job Requisition grid and will be able to support sending notifications.

Approved Job Req

Update Assess Candidate Business Process in Workday


Select to update the Integration System

Navigate to the Assess Candidate Business Process page. Then, click on the Configure StackOne_IS_System button.

BP Config IS

Please select StackOne_IS_System as the integration and then click on the OK button.

Select IS on Popup

Edit payload attribute values

The pop-up will appear, allowing you to select the values for the fields included in the payload request when the Invited event is triggered from Workday.

Set Values for Fields

Please fill in the following information:

  • Candidate First Name: [First Name]
  • Candidate Last Name: [Last Name]
  • Candidate Email Address: [Email]
  • Candidate Reference ID: [Candidate ID]
  • Job Application Reference ID: [Job Requisition as Text]
  • Assessment Test Reference ID: [Assessment_Test_ID for the assessment you want to send to the candidate]

Click the OK button to save your configurations.

Submit your application for the job from the candidate’s profile in Workday


Apply to the Job

Go to the Find Candidates page, select a Candidate’s Profile, and click on Job Application under Actions to apply for the job.

Candidate Profile

Select the listed Job Requisition

Please select the job from the dropdown menu listed above.

Candidate Job Apply

Enter the required details and click the OK button to submit the job application.

Move Candidate to the Assessment Stage in Workday


Go to the Job Requisition

Navigate to the Job Requisitions page by selecting the same Job Requisition from the pop-up where the candidate applied for the job.

View JR

Navigate to the Candidate tab and select the Review tab, where the candidate will be displayed in the grid below.

Candidate Job Apply

Move Candidate from Review to Assessment stage

Check the candidate in the grid and click the Move Forward button.

View JR

Select Assessment from the dropdown

In the pop-up, select the next stage, which is likely the Assessment Stage. Choose Assessment in both dropdown menus.

Candidate Job Apply

Click on the OK button to move.


Candidate Moved to the Assessment Stage

If you go to the Assessment tab, the candidate will now be in the Assessment stage.

View JR

If you’re unable to move the candidate to the assessment stage directly, then shift the stages one at a time.

Send the assessment invitation to the candidate using Start Proxy


Sending via Start Proxy

If you are not the recruiter, go to the recruiter’s account via Start Proxy. Click on the Awaiting Action link, and a pop-up will appear showing the recruiter’s name.

View Recruiter

Navigate to the Start Proxy

Go to the Start Proxy page and select Recruiter from the dropdown menu.

Start Proxy

You’ll be taken to the recruiter’s homepage, where you need to navigate to the My Tasks page in the top-right corner.

My Tasks

You will find the task at the top labeled with Job Requisition and Candidate name in the sidebar.


Clicking on the sidebar task will display the candidate’s assessment details on the right side.


Send the Assessment Invitation

You should set the Overall Status to Invited and select the Assessment as Technical Assessment from the dropdown menu. After that, click the Submit button.

Assessment Form

Send the assessment invitation to the candidate without using a Start Proxy


Sending via Start Proxy

If you are the recruiter, you should see the Assess button next to the candidate’s name.

Sending Invite

Send the Assessment Invitation

You should set the Overall Status to Invited and select the Assessment as Technical Assessment from the dropdown menu.

Send Invite

Click on the Submit button to get the webhook notification from Workday.

Congratulations, you’re all set! If you face any issues with the steps mentioned above, please contact us by emailing We’re always here to assist you!