This guidance assumes that you have administrative privileges for your SAP SuccessFactors account.

Enable the Other Background Check Vendor option


Background Check Central Configuration

Go to the Admin Center and search for Background Check Central

Enable Background Check in Recruiting and Choose Other Background Check Vendor

Select the type of integration template for the external background check

Recruiters do not need the mandatory permissions to initiate background checks using the Integration Center. However, to use the Integration Center for modeling and executing the integration, you do need the following mandatory permissions:

  • Admin access to MDF OData API
  • Access to Integration Center
  • Access to non-Secured Objects

Go to Integration Center

Navigate to Admin Center and search for Integration Center

To view the list of available integrations, click on My Integrations.


Select the Type of Integration Center Template

Click the + Create button and select More Integration Types to access the list of available integration types.

Select the following values from the modal

  • Application/UI, for Trigger Type
  • SuccessFactors, for Source Type
  • REST, for Destination Type
  • JSON, for Format

Click on the Create button

Use the search box to find the entity called JobApplicationBackgroundCheckRequest, and then select it from the search results.

Create and configure an integration template for background checks


Options Step

Enter the name of the integration, then click the Next button to proceed with further configuration steps. You can also click the Save button to save the current step’s configuration.


Configure Fields Step

Click on the + button > Insert Sibling Element, then click on the inserted element to open a prompt where you can enter the name of the element.

Please refer the mapping listed here.

Click the + button > Add Child Element for the added element and then click on the inserted element to open a prompt where you can enter the name of the child element.

To set the association for added element. Click on the Set as Associated Field icon.

Choose the specific fields to map that can be found in the Entity Tree View.

Select the field and Click on the Change Association button.

You will notice that the Association has been updated for the data field.

Map the properties of the data fields to their corresponding properties in the OData API.


Response Fields Step

Click on the Switch to Field Mapping View option,

Click on the + button and select the JobApplicationBackgroundCheckRequest entity. Then click Add and proceed by clicking the Next button.


Filter and Sort Step

You do not need to set anything on the Filter and Sort step. Simply click the Next button.


Destination Settings Step

Select the option for REST Server Settings and input the following details:

  • Connection Name: You can choose any name you prefer.
  • REST API URL: This is the endpoint URL provided by StackOne, which will be used to receive background check order requests.
  • Authentication Type: Select Basic Authentication from the dropdown menu.
  • Username: Enter the External Trigger Token that you receive from the StackOne Integration Hub during the connection setup.
  • Password: This field can be left empty.
  • HTTP Method: Choose the POST method under REST Operation Settings.

Click on the Next button to proceed.


Review and Run Step

Review the template structure in the Review and Run step. To save it, select the Save option. After creation, the template will run in the background, eliminating the need to click Run Now.

You can access the logs by clicking on the Last Run Time link.

You can confirm the integration by returning to Integration Center > My Integrations.

Create Vendor from Recruiting External Vendor


Go to the Manage Data

Navigate to Manage Data and select Recruiting External Vendor from Create New dropdown

Enter the External Code, Vendor Name, and select Background Check as the Integration Type from the dropdown menu. Click on Save to create the vendor.

External Code refers to a text string that serves as a code for the background check vendor. The OData API entities use this value to facilitate communication between the third-party vendor and SAP SuccessFactors. If this information is not entered correctly, certain integration scenarios may fail to function properly.

Create Recruiting Vendor Integration Mapping


Go to the Manage Data

Navigate to Manage Data and select Recruiting Vendor Integration Mapping from Create New dropdown

Enter the External Code, select your Vendor Name, choose your Integration Name from the dropdown, and set the Default integration value to Yes.

Enter a numeric value in the Hours Before User Can Reinitiate field. This field currently has no functionality in SAP SF.

Click Save to save the mapping between the vendor and integration.

Only one Recruiting Vendor Integration Mapping can be active at a time. To set the selected vendor integration as active for the instance, select Yes in the Default Integration field.

Manage fields for the Job Requisition template


Go to Manage Templates

Navigate to Admin Center and search for Manage Templates

Navigate to the Recruiting Management tab, select Job Requisition, and choose the template that is in use for the specific job requisition, such as Standard Job Requisition.


Add bgiAccountId & packageId fields in template

Please add the following fields that you will receive in the order request:

  • bgiAccountId: You can create multiple accounts with a single third-party background check vendor. This field enables recruiters to select which account to use.
  • packageId: Recruiters can choose the package they want to apply to a specific job requisition.

In the next step, Update the permissions to ensure the fields are visible during Job Requisition creation or updates.

Manage the permissions for the fields added to the Job Requisition template


Go to Manage Templates

To add or update field permissions, navigate to the specific Job Requisition Template, select Field Permissions Defined, and then click on Add Field Permission from the modal.

  • Field Permission description: Enter any description
  • Field Permission Type: Select Write Permission
  • Field Permission Role Name: Select Recruiter
  • Field Reference ID: Select bgiAccountId & packageId fields
  • Field Permission Status: Select All or pre-approved from dropdown

After adding the fields, Click on the Publish to save your changes.

After successfully updating the permissions, the fields will be visible in the Job Requisition during create/edit.

To add background check accounts from the PickList Center.


Go to background check accounts

Go to Admin Center and search for PickList Center

Search for bgiAccountId


Add New Accounts

Click on bgiAccountId. This will direct you to the Picklist Values page where you can add different Background Check Accounts.

You can create multiple accounts with a single third-party background check vendor. All accounts added in this picklist will be available for recruiters to choose as the Background Check Account under the Job Requisition details.

To add background check packages from PickList Center


Go to the packages

Go to Admin Center and search for PickList Center

Search for packageId


Add New Packages

Click on packageId to go to the Picklist Values page, where you can add different Background Check Packages.

All packages added in this picklist will be available for recruiters to choose as the Background Check Package to apply on the Job Requisitions.

To include a Background Check stage in the Talent Pipeline

You can skip this step if you already have a separate Background Check stage in the talent pipeline for the Job Requisition.


Go to Applicant Status Configuration

Go to Admin Center and search for Edit Applicant Status Configuration.Select the specific Applicant Status Set currently in use for the job requisition, such as the Standard Status Set.

It will take you to the page for the Standard Status Set,


Edit Applicant Status Set configurations

Find Background Check stage, edit and select none from the Status Group dropdown. This will make the Background Check visible as a separate stage in the Job Requisition’s Talent Pipeline.

Click the Save and Finish button to save your changes.


Where can you verify the added stage

Navigate to the Job Requisiton > Candidates. Above, you will see the updated talent pipeline,

You can now proceed to move the candidates to the Background Check stage.

Edit Job Requisition to Select Background Check


Go to Job Requisition

Navigate to specific Job Requisition, hover over the specific requisition title to open the Actions menu and then select View or Edit Requisition.

Select the correct values for the Account ID and Package ID fields. Click on the Save Changes button.

To Send Background Check to the Candidate

If you are not seeing the Background Check as a separate step in the current Job Requisition, please visit this step.


Go to Talent Pipeline

Navigate to the specific Job Requisition and click on Candidates. Select the candidate, then choose the Move Candidate option from the Take Action menu.

Choose Background Check from the dropdown menu, then click Apply Updates to move the candidate forward.


Send Background Check to Candidate

Navigate to Background Check, click on the Initiate Background Check option in the Take Action menu.

Click on the Confirm to send the Background Check. You’ll get the success on the same modal.


How to view the requested background check?

The Background Check request will appear in the candidate’s application under the Background Check portlet.

To Check Result of the Background Check


Go to Background Check portlet

Go to the Background Check stage, The results will be available in the Background Check portlet within the candidate application.

Congratulations, you’re all set! If you face any issues with the steps mentioned above, please contact us by emailing We’re always here to assist you!