Send the assessment or background check invitation to the candidate


Add Assessment or Background Check stage with in the specific Job

Visit the Job’s page to add or edit a job by searching for terms like Software Engineer.

Click on the job, and you will be redirected to the specific Job’s page,

Then scroll down and select Interview Plan under Job Setup.

Click the Add Stage button to select and add a new stage from the dropdown list.

You will find the additional stage included in the Interview Plan.

Add Candidate to the Job


Add a New Candidate within the Job

Navigate to the Add Candidate page to add a candidate and select the relevant job from the dropdown list.

After adding a candidate, you will be directed to the candidate’s profile page.

Move Candidate to the assessment or background check stage


Move Candidate to the assessment or background check stage

Click the Move Stage button in the top-right corner, then select Your Assessment or Background Check Integration to proceed.

Candidate will be moved to the assessment or background check stage.

Send Webhook to the Candidate


Choose Test to send the assessment or background check

Click the Send test to candidate link to open a pop-up, allowing the recruiter to select which assessment or background check to send to the candidate.

Notification will be sent to the candidate by clicking the Send Test button. You will receive confirmation at the same stage,

To check updated result of the assessment or background check invitation of the candidate


To see the updated results of assessment

Click on the candidate’s name to view their application. You will see the updated results along with the assessment or background check integration stage from the previously sent webhook

After the candidate has completed the assessment, click the Go to test link to view the results report.

Congratulations, you’re all set! If you face any issues with the steps mentioned above, please contact us by emailing We’re always here to assist you!