The following guidance assumes you have Admin privileges for your Ashby account.

To Get External Trigger Token


From the StackOne hub, you will receive the External Trigger Token needed to enable the Ashby Integration.

To enable the integration on your Ashby account


Please navigate to Admin in Ashby’s dashboard. Then navigate to Ashby Integrations and click on it.


Check the Show unlaunched integrations flag, search for Stackone Integration and click on the integration as shown below. A pop up for enabling the Stackone integration will appear. Click on Enable Stackone integrations.

Once you enable the integration, a pop-up will appear, prompting you to fill in the required fields shown below.

Please click on StackOne API Key. An input field will appear, allowing you to enter the API key provided by the StackOne Hub. After entering the API key, click Update.

Please click on Ashby API Key. A search bar will appear, allowing you to enter the name of an existing Ashby API Key. If you want to use an existing one, select it; otherwise, click Create New API Key.

Ashby API Key will be generated and displayed. Please copy your Ashby API Key as this is shown only once

Adding Background check to Candidate Pipeline.


Navigate to your job dashboard and select a job from the job list.


Select a candidate from candidate pipeline stage.


Click on New Activity to add an background check at this stage. Click on Assessment that appears after New Activity is clicked.


You will be redirected to Add Assessment Activity pop up. Please click on the Stackone assessment in Add Assessment Activity. Select the Assessment Type from the dropdown list.


Once selected, click on the Add Activity button at the bottom right corner of the Add Assessment Activity.


You will now see that the background check has been added to the candidate profile with a Start Assessment button in the Activity section.

Sending StackOne background check test to a Candidate


To send an background check test to the candidate, click the Start Assessment button in the Activity section of the selected candidate.

A confirmation pop-up will appear, displaying the selected background check type. You can also modify the background check type using the dropdown list. Click Start to send the test.


The screen displays the background check status along with the date and time it was sent. Since the candidate has not yet completed the assessment, the result will remain pending.

View Candidate’s Result in Ashby


A detailed result, along with a Full Report link, will appear once the candidate has completed the assessment.

Congratulations, you’re all set! If you face any issues with the steps mentioned above, please contact us by emailing We’re always here to assist you!