Ensure you have Admin privileges for your Hibob account.

If you’ve been directed to StackOne to integrate with Hibob, the following steps will help you understand the process and any necessary actions to configure successful integration.

Creating a new Service User


Navigate to Service Users

Using the left menu, select Settings > Integrations, select Automation under Categories. Click Manage under the Service Users Icon.

Service Users

Create New Service User

Click on the New Service User button.

New Service User

Fill in Details

Fill in the details with relevant information and click Next.

Fill Details

Copy Service User ID and Token

Copy Service User ID and Token to a safe place, since the token cannot be retrieved after this. However, the token can be reset and a new one created.

Service User ID and Token

Finish Creation

Click Done and the Service User is created.

Access permissions for the Service User

The newly created Service User account has no access permissions, so you won’t be able to retrieve data. Creating Permissions Groups is an additional process that is best described by Hibob:

Creating a Custom Permissions Group

Once you have a permissions group for your service users, or already have a permissions group set up, you can add your new Service User to this group.

The required permissions to allow access of relevant data are as follows (located in the People's data tab):

Required permissions may be subject to change.


Navigate to Permissions Groups

Go to Settings in the left menu and click Permissions Groups under the Account heading. Click on the group you have made for your Service Users.

Permissions Groups

Edit Permissions Group

In the permissions group page, click the Group Actions dropdown and select Edit Details from the list; this will open a new modal.

Edit Details

Select People By Condition

If you’re updating an existing Group, you may not want to change the setting in the radio button selection. But if it is a new group, click Select People By Condition; if it is already selected, continue.

If the Group Members setting is Select People by Name, you won’t be able to add the Service User to this group and should create another permissions group for your Service Users.

Select People By Condition

Add Specific Employees

Once the new modal has opened titled Select People By Condition, click the dropdown under Add Specific Employees. You can select all Service Users or individually as required, then click Apply and Apply again and finally Save.

Add Specific Employees

Use the Service User ID and the Service User Token generated in Step 1 to authenticate using the Service User account.

Link Account

Congratulations, you’re all set! If you face any issues with the steps mentioned above, please contact us by emailing integrations@stackone.com. We’re always here to assist you!