Ensure you have Admin privileges for your Hibob account.

If you’ve been directed to StackOne to integrate with Hibob, the following steps will help you understand the process and any necessary actions to configure successful integration.

Generating your Hibob API Key


Login to Hibob

Login to your Hibob account and click on your account avatar in the bottom left corner. Select API access from the dropdown menu.

Hibob API Access

Generate token

Click Generate token.

Generate Token

Enable Approved Scopes

Enable the following Approved scopes and click Save.

  • Full employee read
  • Employee fields read
  • Payroll Info read
  • Timeoff submit request & read who's out
  • Employee update
  • Employee fields write
Approved Scopes

Copy token

Click Copy token.

Linking your account in StackOne


Enter API Key

Upon reaching the Link Account page, enter the generated API key and proceed by clicking the Connect button.

Link Account

Congratulations, you’re all set! If you face any issues with the steps mentioned above, please contact us by emailing integrations@stackone.com. We’re always here to assist you!


If you’re getting Could not connect account. Please check your credentials and try again error:

  1. Verify you’re pasting the correct API key from the Hibob interface.
  2. Ensure to Save settings inside the Approved scopes section, since without permissions APIs can’t communicate with each other.