Ensure you are a Site Owner within your Teamwork account.

If you’ve been directed to StackOne to integrate with Teamwork, the following steps will help you understand the process and any necessary actions to configure successful integration.

Get Your Teamwork Site Name


Find Your Site Name

Log in to your Teamwork account. Your Site Name is found in the URL. Example given the URL: https://my-site.teamwork.com/app/home/inbox The Site Name is my-site.

Get Your Teamwork API Key


Edit My Details

When logged in to your Teamwork account, click your profile icon in the bottom left, then click Edit my details.

Edit My Details

Get API Token

Under the API & Mobile tab, click the Get API Token button.

Get API Token

Enable API

After reading the Terms and Conditions, check the checkbox for confirmation: “I have read and agree to the API terms and conditions”. Then click the Enable API button.

Enable API

Copy API Token

Copy your displayed API Token and store it safely.

Copy API Token

Connecting with StackOne


Enter API Key and Site Name

Upon reaching the Link Account page, enter your API Key and Site Name from the previous step.

Link Account


Proceed by clicking the Connect button.

Congratulations, you’re all set! If you face any issues with the steps mentioned above, please contact us by emailing integrations@stackone.com. We’re always here to assist you!

Available data

This integration has the following IAM Resources available from the provider:

  • Users
  • Roles
  • Groups