This guidance assumes you have Admin privileges for your Greenhouse account.

Generating Harvest API Key


Open the Configuration Page

Click on Configure gear ⚙️ and open Dev Center > API credentials. ​

Step 1


Create a New API Key

Click Create new API key. Specify the following parameters:

API type – Harvest

Partner – Custom

Description – “Describe_your_integration” ​

Step 2


Generate and Save the API Key

Click Manage permissions.

Copy your newly generated API key to a safe place. Then click I have stored the API key.

Step 3


Enabling Permissions

In the Manage permissions page, enable Select all and click Save. ​

Step 4

Generating Job Board API Key


Create Job Board API Key

In the API credentials page, click Create new API key. Specify the following parameters:

API type – Job Board

Partner – Custom

Description – “Describe_your_integration”

Step 4

Click Create.


Save the API Key

Copy your Job Board API key to a safe place. Then click I have stored the API key.

Step 5

Retrieve a greenhouse User ID

Per the Greenhouse documentation, you can get a user ID by going to the users page, select a user with Site Admin permission and retrieve the user ID present in the URL:

Screenshot of an example user ID

Step 6

Connect with StackOne

Enter the gathered details in the relevant inputs and proceed by clicking the Connect button.

Step 7

Congratulations, you’re all set! If you face any issues with the steps mentioned above, please contact us by emailing We’re always here to assist you!