This guidance assumes you have Admin privileges for your Greenhouse account.

Generating Harvest API Key


Open the Configuration Page

Click on Configure gear ⚙️ and open Dev Center > API credentials. ​


Create a New API Key

Click Create new API key. Specify the following parameters:

API type – Harvest

Partner – Custom

Description – “Describe_your_integration” ​


Generate and Save the API Key

Click Manage permissions.

Copy your newly generated API key to a safe place. Then click I have stored the API key.


Enabling Permissions

In the Manage permissions page, enable Select all and click Save. ​

Generating Job Board API Key


Create Job Board API Key

In the API credentials page, click Create new API key. Specify the following parameters:

API type – Job Board

Partner – Custom

Description – “Describe_your_integration”

Click Create.


Save the API Key

Copy your Job Board API key to a safe place. Then click I have stored the API key.

Retrieve a greenhouse User ID

Per the Greenhouse documentation, you can get a user ID by going to the users page, select a user with Site Admin permission and retrieve the user ID present in the URL:

Screenshot of an example user ID

Connect with StackOne

Enter the gathered details in the relevant inputs and proceed by clicking the Connect button.

Congratulations, you’re all set! If you face any issues with the steps mentioned above, please contact us by emailing We’re always here to assist you!

Available data

This integration has the following IAM Resources available from the provider:

  • Users
  • Roles