Follow these steps to connect Github via the StackOne Hub successfully.
Ensure that your Github account has the Owner privileges in the organization you are making connection with.
If you’ve been directed to StackOne to integrate with Github, the following steps will help you understand the process and any necessary actions to configure a successful integration.
Log in to Github
Log in
Log in to your Github account at
Create a New Personal Access Token
Navigate to Your Profile
Click the Settings tab.
Navigate to Developer settings tab
Click Developer settings.
Navigate to Personal access tokens tab
Select Tokens (classic) from the Personal access tokens dropdown.
Generate new token
Click the Generate new token dropdown. Select Generate new token (classic) from the dropdown.
Select No expiration from the Expiration dropdown.
Select the following Scopes which are required for this IAM integration.
- admin-org
Generate token
Scroll down to the bottom and click Generate token.
Copy your Personal Access Token
Your new Personal Access Token will be displayed only once. Copy and store this value securely.
Find Organization
Navigate to Your Profile
Select Your organizations tab.
Organization name
You can find the list of organizations here. Copy the Name of the organization you wish to connect.
Connecting with StackOne
Enter Credentials
Upon reaching the Link Account page, enter the credentials from the previous steps:
- Personal Access Token
- Organization
Proceed by clicking the Connect button.
Congratulations, you’re all set! If you face any issues with the steps mentioned above, please contact us by emailing We’re always here to assist you!
Available data
This integration has the following IAM Resources available from the provider:
- Users
- Roles