Follow these steps to connect Zelt with StackOne Hub successfully.
Ensure you have Admin privileges for your Zelt account.
If you’ve been directed to StackOne to integrate with Zelt, the following steps will help you understand the process and any necessary actions to configure successful integration.
Generate a Zelt Client ID and Client Secret
Open Settings
Within Zelt, click on Settings in the lower left corner.
Navigate to Security
Under Settings > Organisation, click Security.
Generate Credentials
Next to Developer hub, click the Generate button.
Enter Details
In the view that appears, enter the following:
- Name: e.g. “StackOne Service Credentials”
- Description: e.g. “Service authorization for StackOne integration”
- Redirection URI:
Press the Generate button at the bottom of the view.
Copy Authorization Credentials
A window will appear with the authorization credentials. Copy each of the generated values, and store them in a safe place:
- App ID
- Client ID
- Client Secret
Update App Permissions
Select the App that was created in the previous step. Then on the left navigation menu, select the Permissions
tab. Click the pencil icon to edit the permissions.
Update App Permissions
Ensure the following permissions are selected, provide a reason for each permission, then click the Update scopes.
- user:read:all
- user.basicInfo:read
- user.personalInfo:all
- user.personalInfo:read
- user.contract:read:all
- user.compensation:read:all
- user.role:read:all
- company.settings:read
- documents:all
- user.basicInfo:all
- user.onboard:all
- user.contract:all
- user.compensation:all
- user.role:all
Connecting with StackOne
Enter Credentials
Upon reaching the Link Account page, enter the Client ID and Client Secret generated in the previous step.
Proceed by clicking the Connect
Congratulations, you’re all set! If you face any issues with the steps mentioned above, please contact us by emailing integrations@stackone.com. We’re always here to assist you!