Ensure you have Admin privileges for your UKG Ready account.

If you’ve been directed to StackOne to integrate with UKG Ready, the following steps will help you understand the process and any necessary actions to configure successful integration.

This guidance assumes you have Admin privileges for your UKG Ready account.

Getting Company Short Name and UKG Ready URL


Login to UKG Ready dashboard

Login to your UKG Ready dashboard and grab the UKG Ready URL from the address bar.


Navigate to Company Setup

Click ≡ at the top-left corner.

Company Setup

From here navigate to Settings > Global Setup > Company Setup.

global setup
global setup

Copy Company Short Name

Under Company Setup > Company Info, scroll down to the Company Address section and copy the Company Short Name. If it is not available in that section, please enter the Company Short Name and click Save.

Company info
Company Short Name

Enabling OAuth Applications in your dashboard


Enable OAuth Applications

The option to generate OAuth credentials may not be available by default. Therefore we will to enable this in the Login Config view. Navigate to Edit Tabs tab

edit tabs tab

If you don’t already see OAuth Applications in the column view - then from the Available Windows section look for OAuth Applications and drag it into a column of your choice under the Login Config tab.

edit tabs tab
edit tabs tab

Once you’re happy with the view - click Save and navigate back to the Company Setup view.

edit tabs tab

Generating OAuth Credentials


Add OAuth Application

On the Login Config tab, find OAuth Applications and click Add OAuth Application.

login config
OAuth Application

Generating OAuth Credentials


Generate OAuth

If the authorisation type is set to OAuth then select Application Type to be Interactive. If not then please proceed to the next step.

login config

Once you’re happy with the configuration - click the Save button and enter the Client_ID in the respective fields during the account linking process.


Generate OAuth Client Credentials Grant

If the authorisation type is OAuth Client Credentials Grant then select Application Type to be Machine to Machine.

Generate the Client Secret and select the appropriate access control and security profiles.

login config

Once you’re happy with the configuration - click Save and enter the Client_ID and Client Secret in the respective fields during the account linking process.

Congratulations, you’re all set! If you face any issues with the steps mentioned above, please contact us by emailing integrations@stackone.com. We’re always here to assist you!