Ensure you have Admin privileges for your UKG Pro account.

If you’ve been directed to StackOne to integrate with UKG Pro, the following steps will help you understand the process and any necessary actions to configure successful integration.

This guidance assumes you have Admin privileges for your UKG Pro account.

Getting your UKG Company Domain


Login to UKG Pro

Login to your UKG Pro account and search for Web Services in the search bar at the top right.

Web Services Search

Copy Subdomain

Copy the subdomain from any Web Services URL. For example, if your URL is http://Servicet.ultipro.com/services/BIDataService, copy Servicet.

Subdomain Example

Retrieving your UKG Pro Customer API key


Search for Service Account Administration

Search for Service Account Administration in the search bar.

Service Account Administration

Copy Customer API Key

Copy the Customer API Key located under the header.

Customer API Key

Creating a Service Account


Add Service Account

On the UKG Pro Service Account Administration page, click ➕ add in the upper right corner.

Add Service Account

Enter Admin Details

Enter your admin’s username and email address.

Admin Details

Assign Permissions

Scroll down to the Web Service table below and check the View permission for:

  • Personnel Integration
  • Employee Job History Details
  • Employee Employment Information
  • Employee Person Details
  • Employee Compensation Details
  • Company Configuration Integration
Assign Permissions

Save and Generate Password

Click Save to generate a new password. Save this password in a secure location.

Generate Password

Note Credentials

Make a note of the service account credentials – admin username and generated password.

Connecting to StackOne


Enter Details

Enter your service account username and password from Step 3. Enter your API key from Step 2. Enter your web service domain from Step 1.

Link Account

Congratulations, you’re all set! If you face any issues with the steps mentioned above, please contact us by emailing integrations@stackone.com. We’re always here to assist you!