Ensure you have Admin privileges for your Hailey HR account.

If you’ve been directed to StackOne to integrate with Hailey HR, the following steps will help you understand the process and any necessary actions to configure successful integration.

Generating API Key


Login to Hailey dashboard

Login to your Hailey dashboard. Click on your avatar in the upper-right corner and click Access tokens.

Hailey dashboard

Assign a name and generate token

Assign a name to your access token and click Generate.

Generate token

Copy your token

Copy your newly generated token to a safe place.

Copy token

Establish a connection with StackOne


Enter API token

Upon reaching the Link Account page, enter your API token and proceed by clicking the Connect button.

Link Account

Congratulations, you’re all set! If you face any issues with the steps mentioned above, please contact us by emailing integrations@stackone.com. We’re always here to assist you!