Ensure you have Admin privileges for your SAP SuccessFactors account with permission for the Manage Integration Tools > Manage OAuth2 Client Applications.

If you’ve been directed to StackOne to integrate with SAP SuccessFactors, the following steps will help you understand the process and any necessary actions to configure successful integration.

Locating API Server


Find the API Server

SAP uses multiple API server addresses. You will need to look up the API server that corresponds to your tenant domain on this table under the API Server column.

For example, if your domain was https://pmsalesdemo8.successfactors.com/ you would search for salesdemo8 in the table.

Copy the value in the API Server column (remove the final forward-slash /). In this example, the value would be https://apisalesdemo8.successfactors.com.

Use this value as the API Server value when connecting SAP SuccessFactors to StackOne.

Finding Username


Login to SAP SuccessFactors

Login to SAP SuccessFactors.


Locate Your Username

Select your profile image in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.

Your username is the value in parenthesis. Copy this value and note it as your Username.

Finding Company ID


Show Version Information

Within the same dropdown from Step 2, select the Show version information option.


Locate Company ID

Within the modal that appears, you will see Company ID. Copy and note down this value.

Registering a new Client Application


Search for Manage OAuth2 Client Applications

In the upper right search bar, search for Manage OAuth2 Client Applications and select the option under Actions.


Register Client Application

Select Register Client Application.


Enter Application Details

Enter an Application Name, e.g. StackOne.

Enter an Application URL. Note: This can be any URL and is not used in this integration.

Generating X.509 Certificate


Generate X.509 Certificate

Press the Generate X.509 Certificate button.

Enter any Common Name(CN) for the certificate, e.g. StackOne OAuth2.


Copy the Certificate

Press Generate.

Copy the value inside the X.509 Certificate section.

Downloading Private Key


Download Private Key

Press the Download button.

❗Caution: The downloaded file contains your private key. This should be handled securely, and this local file should be deleted after your StackOne account has been linked.


Copy the Private Key

Select and copy the long string of characters between -----BEGIN ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY----- and -----END ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY-----

This value is your Private Key. Please keep it safe!

Finding API Key


Locate API Key

Your API Key is displayed on the Manage OAuth2 Client Applications screen above your X.509 Certificate.

Connecting with StackOne


Enter the Details

Upon reaching the Link Account page, enter the gathered details and proceed by clicking the Connect button.

Note: The integration may take up to 15 minutes to initially authenticate once the account has been connected. In the meantime, requests will return a 401: Unauthorized response.

Congratulations, you’re all set! If you face any issues with the steps mentioned above, please contact us by emailing integrations@stackone.com. We’re always here to assist you!